
So, here we are …. 2022

Not quite sure where the last 2 years went, but like I said – here we are!

Life has been somewhat of a rollercoaster leading up to this point.  This pandemic really took its toll on us as humans.  You could say we are all “Covid’d out” and I don’t want to even talk about it, especially the negative parts.  But what I do want to say is the following:

One pro about the pandemic, especially when we were in lockdown, is that people learnt to be alone and learnt to enjoy the simple things in life again, like baking, gardening, different hobbies and crafting   We had no choice but to keep ourselves occupied in the numerous lockdowns we had to endure.

I think everyone got fed up with watching tv and looking at the same 4 walls daily and decided it was time to try something new.

A lot of you may be aware that in the lockdown, I did pre-recorded online tutorials and it was so refreshing to hear that the entire family was taking part in these tutorials, even Dad! And the best part of it all, is that they were proud of their work, and it was something fun, interactive, and unique for them to do as a family.  A lot of those people were first timers, and once we were allowed to have face to face events again, those people started coming to the events and have since, become regulars and have improved significantly over time.

My point of this little introduction is to basically tell you to NOT BE SCARED TO TRY NEW THINGS!

One thing I can tell you is that sometimes the regulars “drag” their friends along and you can see that they’re not that keen to be there, and the most common phrase used is, “I promise you, I can’t even draw a stick man” … and you know what the best part it?  Every single one of those people end the evening off by saying, “WOW, I can’t believe that I painted this” and 9 times out of 10 – we see them again ……………… and again, and AGAIN!

Let’s face it, no one wants to be “bad” at something and that often prevents people from trying new things! Humans have this thing in their minds that they need to be good at something right away for it to be something they enjoy.

“Every artist was first an amateur.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Well, let me let you in on a little secret, I have always LOVED drawing, but at Art School, I despised painting.  Why? Because I was actually not good at it at first. Out of the 7 art subjects I took, it was probably the one I got the lowest marks for.  After school, I dabbled in painting again a little and thought, nah – still not for me. A few years went by again and tried again, and I literally fell in love with it, I painted non-stop and what do you know – today I am teaching it and I love it!

Our workshops are designed for any level of talent from complete amateur to advanced.  In every single workshop, I teach the painting from scratch, from start to finish and I am available throughout the session to help every attendee that needs it along the way.  I really try to give people the personal attention that is required.  Yes, sometimes the paintings are more challenging, but it is still taught in such a way that a beginner can attend.

I really try to encourage people to TRY, and then try AGAIN, before asking for assistance, because often we do 5 minutes of something and expect it to be perfect – it’s not the way it works.

We even have AMAZING artists attend the workshops – and not to listen to what I have to say, but to literally just come and paint and enjoy the experience. 

We also have people that attend and paint their own thing completely, just to merely escape life for a while.

People often don’t make time for the things they love or they’re good at, and I think it’s so important to make time for those things, no matter how busy you are.  You need to make your joys in life a priority, otherwise what are we even doing?

Over the past 2 years of this crazy thing we call LIFE, I think we have all learnt that self-care is an integral part of life, and part of self-care is to do things that are good for the soul!

I’ve said it many times, but ART AND CREATIVTY IS FOOD FOR THE SOUL!

Our new catch phrase is “THE THERAPY YOU’VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR” and that is exactly what it is.  Attending one of our workshops could open a door for you that you didn’t even know needed to be opened!

One of my favourite comments from an attendee that joined us late last year, was, “I really didn’t know that I had any talent”

……….. Need I say more!

So don’t be scared – join us for a workshop, and BE ENLIGHTENED!

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